Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Travel Cafe Philippines

Did a commisioned shoot for Travel Cafe Philippines. And I am so thankful for these companies and people who has the presence of mind to get a professional to get the job done.

I have heard a lot recently about companies that take advantage of the surge of photographers that are very willing to take jobs for free in exchange for "bragging rights" that their names are shown in publications thinking they are good enough. These photographers I believe have jobs that pays the very well and treats photograph as a hobby and will not really take a hit from doing something for free. These kinds of actions for me are not really unethical in my eyes. I personally don't accept jobs that doesn't pay because I didn't get my gears for free and I believe my time and effort costs a premium. I dont condmen people for taking jobs for free but you usually get what you pay for. As a professional photographer, I don't take jobs to "practice" my craft. I come prepared and ready. I believe any professional should fulfill any job to his full potential and will be only excused to skip the job unless he is dying. That is what you pay for and I believe it should cost a premium.

Anyway, enough of the ranting let's see some photos!